Something on your mind Brick? (Patreon)
2017-02-08 01:25:52
2020-04-29 23:53:34
While Shining Armor was not having a good day in my Equestria dreamscape, I was having fun with cloud sculpting.
Cloud sculpting is something that I haven't had much opportunity to do recently because of various events and demands on my life. Also the weather has not been optimal, but recently that has changed and with the improving spring weather I'm getting more opportunities to sculpt fluffy clouds into various objects.
Now I'm like many artists that when I get into a zone I can go for hours on hours creating artistic stuff, and sometimes when I'm really in the zone I'll even lose track of what I am creating.
So it was that Rainbow Dash found me working on very large cloud sculpture of her. Now she wasn't angry. In fact she was rather flattered by my hard work, but she still had to give me a good natured ribbing.