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"The Great and Powerful Trixie will now perform before your very eyes the most amazing acts of magic!"

A Patron reward for Sonny Starbrite . Trixie is often a jerk, but she's at least an entertaining jerk! 




Watch the Amazing Trixie lock herself in the box. Now be amazed as the box bounces around as the Powerful Trixie tries to escape the box. Now hear the Great Trixie whimper in the box after failing to escape the box. Please please won't you give her a hand.......to help her get out of the box. (Quick close the curtain!!)

Webster Leone

I've been working on a pony piece and have been having trouble with the legs for the particular pose. This got me thinking about other possible ways to draw the legs, and maybe different poses for new pieces.


Pony/horse legs are amazingly complex. Now understand that pony legs in Equestria have a range of movement way beyond what real horses and ponies can do.

Webster Leone

Quite. They are marshmallows after all. ;) I do try to keep them somewhat realistic, which may be my problem.

Richard Westberry

As Cadfael would say. "Dangerous, Ego driven, but they don't come don't come much more fair than her!"