Swap gun/remote - You always have to be careful (Patreon)
- So ... you think this is funny?
- Hahaha! Certainly cute! Just look at yourself. God, I'll describe myself with laughter now
Jack looked ironically at his wife Angela, who decided to play with the remote they found a month ago. They have already used it many times for different purposes - both for their sexual entertainment and for deception.
This remote was a really great find. In the beginning, they did not even know that they had found such a powerful device. Finding it by accident. They used the remote control for the first time on one of the passers-by, noticing that all the data of this passer-by appeared on the remote control display. Choosing another passerby, they used him again and noticed how the two literally exchanged bodies and clothes. Passers-by did not even notice this and continued to walk their way.
Studying all the functions of the remote control, they realized that almost everything is possible here. If you chose the right settings, you could exchange everything - the body and any of its parts, life and any of its components, and so on.
- Enough already. What's so funny? We agreed that I would never receive a female body. I didn't like it and didn't like it when I tried it. You remember ... I realized that I hate all of your feminine things.
- Well, now you have good things! Very good! Although you yourself feel it! Haha! Sorry. You just can't see yourself Jack! I decided to try to leave your face, but give you a different body
- What?! Are you joking !? Why then do I speak like a squeaky schoolgirl? Before, I always stayed with my voice.
- I do not know. Honestly. Haha. Maybe because Barbara says so ?!
- Barbara? Is this our neighbor Barbara ?! Are you kidding?! She lives in the next house and probably already noticed and understood? Damn, what if her husband is at home ?! And if they were fucking ?! Have you thought about it ?! He's a fucking psychopath
- Don't worry silly. I’m not as smart as you. I thought of everything. I put the item on "life exchange" along with everything else. She now thinks that she is you, and her husband must be somewhere drinking as always ... Oh, who's calling?
- I mean, who's calling there? Angela, this is not funny! If she thinks that she is me, then she probably knows about the remote control! Angela!
- What difference does it make if he knows or not? Then we'll change it back! Wait, five seconds, I have to answer the call ..
Sighing, Jack watched Angela, who had already run into the house. The phone in the house rang loudly and Angela ran off with the device to check the incoming call, leaving Jack alone.
- Oh, there you are ?! What the hell are you doing here?!?!? You stupid brainless rubbish! Why is this asshole in our house, and you are standing here as if nothing had happened ??!?!
Turning to shout, Jack saw how his thug and drunkard neighbor carried a man with the face of a real Angela by the scruff of his neck
- I'll ask you to let me go! I don’t know how I ended up with you ?!
- You do not know?! Do you know how you ended up with us and ate our food ?! You are an asshole!
The thug threw Angela with Jack's body on the front lawn and quickly headed towards Jack
- Hey Hey hey! Wait a minute! I don’t .... I don’t .... wait! Let me go...
The brute was pulling Jack by the hand from the yard, do not let him answer a word. Despite all his efforts to get out of these clutches, it was not possible and he looked pleadingly at his house, in which his wife was chatting with someone on the phone.
- Don't kick! As usual, a good blow job will calm me down, so let's live it up ... Um .. Who the fuck are you! Get out of the way!
Coming out of the gate, the thug ran into two people in black suits and white shirts, similar to the characters "men in black".
- Well, disperse! Pretentious assholes! Ugh!
They looked calmly at the bruiser and at Jack, and then parted and continued on their way to Jack's house.
- Don't look at me like that, pretty face! Haha! This is a joke! Pretty face! Yes, with your face only in a transvestite show! You will be there as your own! Haha. And what did I find in you ?! I remember that you were a beauty ... Years have spared no one, Barbara! Haha.
Jack sat in the backyard of his neighbors' house with hatred looking at this drunken thug neighbor with whom he always had a bad relationship. Angela's joke went too far and he had already decided that he would hide the remote from her so that she would never do this again without his knowledge! She has no idea what Jack had to endure in connection with her joke.
He decided he wouldn't even tell her that. And he will never tell anyone! All this will remain the biggest secret in his life.
But now it was just necessary to wait for this big man to leave somewhere and return to his house. He had already planned how he would quarrel with his wife. He could still feel the asshole's cock, his strong hands pulling out his long hair and gripping other parts of his body tightly. His whole body ached after that. He was uncomfortable with everything that happened.
Looking at this big man then down at his body, he first noticed during this time how uncomfortable he was in this body. Earlier, when he received a female body, it was Angela's body. She's not that busty and has a short haircut. Moreover, this was only part of the experiment and he did not measure women's clothes.
Now he felt this new weight of boobs and the touch of long hair. The tights that he wore for the first time in his life seemed to him something strange with an incomparable sensation.
- Hey. Look! Where are these idiots being taken!
Jack could not see anything around the corner of the house behind the fence. He again looked at the big man and did not answer, continuing to look silently. The big man stood by the fence looking at Jack occasionally, but mostly looking over the fence.
- Oh! Haha! I knew these two were criminals! Everything became too good for them all of a sudden. Do you hear !? Why are you keeping silent?! Fuck! Get that stupid expression off your face and get dressed! You sit here like ... like a chicken! Haha! cluck-tah-tah!
It was an incredibly difficult decision for Jack. Perhaps the hardest thing in his life. Accept this life as Barbara and see your old face reflected every day on this body. Accept that he will now have to live under the same roof with his neighbor, a drunkard and a complete asshole, and pretend to be his wife. All this did not settle in his head, but what he took as temporarily turned out to be permanent.
When the big man Sten, Barbara's husband, said then in the backyard about the two criminals, Jack turned a deaf ear. He was too preoccupied with the fact that he needed to quickly get out of this damned house and take the remote control from his wife.
However, almost on the same day, he realized that Stan, speaking of those two criminals, meant him and his wife Angela. These men in black appeared to be some kind of government agents and arrested them. He had no idea where they were taken, but he guessed that his wife had not betrayed him to the authorities, because otherwise the same people in black would have come for him long ago.
That day was one of the hardest in his life. Everything happened quickly and suddenly. Not only did he end up in a woman's body, but he got the whole life of Barbara. This device changed everything. All of the photographs in which Barbara was now flaunted his man's face with different makeup and different emotions, even on the passport and on the wedding photos of Barabara and Stan.
He did not receive any knowledge about Barbara, so he had to study it all on his own. And he did it very reluctantly, hoping that his wife would return. Once he even entered his old house in the hope that he would find a remote control there, but of course he did not find anything there. His guesses that these people came precisely from the remote control were confirmed at that moment.
He already hated the fact that he had to pretend to be Barbara and deal with her body. But life with Stanley was like a mosquito. He was a full-fledged abuser and controlled every action of Barbara, and now Jack. Thank goodness he wasn't always at home due to his job and alcohol addiction. But when he was at home then ... it was difficult to argue with Stan. He wanted his wife to always look beautiful. Jack often got hit hard by Stan for not wearing a dress or makeup or making dinner! What can we say about the fulfillment of marital duty ...
In part, he was glad that he was not arrested and understood that he should be grateful to Angela for not surrendering him. Who knows where she is now? And who knows what they would have done to him if she hadn’t joked and gave him this sucky life. He understood this. But at the same time he hated her and those agents who came so at the wrong time.
He missed his old life as a financial manager and knew he could never return to it again.