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- Oh fuck!

- What else is there ?!

- Do you have to wear those stupid heels ?!

- Of course it is! Stephanie always wore them!

- So what! I'm not Stephanie!

- We have already discussed this a hundred times! You need to do what she does. Please, honey, for my sake.

- You just talk. You didn’t change your gender and you remained yourself!

- Listen. We were generally lucky that I was allowed to be your curator, because Stephanie is my best friend, and all her relatives also fell under the Alt Shift

“You mean a mass hallucination?

- Heh. I love you for your attitude to life and the fact that you can always joke even when it's hard for you

- Damn ... Hopefully none of my friends will be there ...

- Listen ... Chuck. Although I should call you Stephanie. You know that I really liked you when we were a couple and met before Alt Shift. And you know that I am very loyal to you and do not force me to fully match Stephanie's life. I also think that this is a stupid law. But please. Now you need to pull yourself together. This is a collection of curators and their wards. We will be checked.

- I know I know. That's why I put on this stupid clothes. Hopefully they'll tell you they've found a solution.

- Me too ... because this is complete nonsense. But soon the beginning of studies and we will have to return to the university.

- Just forget! I won't go there like this! All my fucking friends are there! They all know that I have got this body! If I obey the law, then I will at least have to dress like Stephanie ... Damn ... If they tighten control ... I hope her boyfriend understands that there is another guy in her body now and will not insist on continuing dating ... By the way ... where is he? What was his name at all?

- John .. I ... I don't know ... Didn't I tell you? .. He also fell under the Alt Shift and in his body there is also some other person ... And if you think logically and understand their law, then he will also be forced to live like John ... And that means continuing to meet with you ... That is, with Stephanie! sorry

- Well, I do not! Never! I better go to this fucking conversion camp!

- Stop! You read what's going on there ?! Do you want to be brainwashed ?! Or so that you become some kind of vegetable ?! Wait ... you can barely stand on those heels ... Have you practiced? You were at home most of the time!

- Why the hell would I practice walking in this shit ?! I'm not going to live like Stephanie and I'm not going to pretend to be a girl!

- Damn ... They can understand that I lied to them! You need to learn faster ... This is important Chuck! This will definitely be checked! Stephie loved heels ... 



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