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Tito Rapa



Lu (the Chinese red haired girl) VA is also the voice of Aira from dandadan and uraraka from my hero academia


Am i the only one that thinks Tequila is absolutely disgusting? Tried many brands but always unpleasant

Ryan Borthwick

Ron is being so real at the end lmao. At the end of the day, this is a show with 3 sick fighters as the main cast (so far) fighting off assassins who want their heads. I love the humour but I also want to see some violence 🤣

Carter San

100% was thinking the dick in a box reference


Yeeting yourself off a cliff to prove a point is wild 😂 His wife crazy lol


I'm with Michelle. The girls(most girls) would think it's a romantic scene instead of d in the box.

Gene B

Man I thought y’all were doing a skit with the phone. Thought Ron was gonna say he called it on the prediction or something lol