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I was refreshing every 5 mins for this one


well C2 said she wants Lulouch to fulfill their contract, she wants some wish granted. That's all you'll know for now, so that's enough motivation for her character to be wanting to help him.

Letan Vinso

Glad to see another original soundtrack episode.


Oh, yeah, guys. The episode titles for this show are reeeally spoillery. You should try to avoid seeing them. It gets worse than this one.


You guys skipped the new intro btw


Are you guys gonna watch the new OP and ED?

Saith Uchiha

Ron I saying this for your own good. Obviously it was a mistake but when you tried to do the AOT salute you may need to blurr that on YT I can tell it was a mistake but the salute you did involves WW2 a little before 9:47 just in case you want to find it faster.

Saith Uchiha

Hey I’m in Discord I can’t find your streams

Hessen Herz

This is so good, it’s been some years since I watched this show and I’m so happy I forgot like everything lol it’s got me hooked

Saith Uchiha

I actually replied to this before I saw that clip of Elon. No politics need to be discussed but the media doesn’t show Elon says “my heart goes out to all Americans”as he’s holding his heart. He definitely got caught up in the moment people make mistakes.

Shazid Tipu

Any chance we can get some double or more frequent drops for Code Geass? The gap between Tuesday and Sunday is too long 😭