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Staged automobile accidents become the scam of choice in a family-oriented insurance fraud ring.

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Original music for Swindled is written and performed by Trevor Howard (Deformr).



Cristi Hyndman

Is something wrong with my patron? This is the last episode with the psychic?


Dude missed his calling from the movie industry working with stunt people, "such realistic makeup"


I live in jacksonville and never heard of this. Holy shit. AWESOME episode!!!

Calvin joiner

That snare on that song drives me insane haha


Lost it at the Limp Bizkit. Another awesome episode!

TJ Tiong

Limp bizkit 🤣🤣 favourite bonus episode so far

Andrea Johnson

The toooooooooooth first time this podcast has made me uncomfortable lol


Seriously, between the song and his deadpan response I was giggling on my couch

Little Bisexual Moron

The absolute unhinged cackle I let out when Limp Bizkit started playing

Andrea Johnson

Yeah, that one did make me emotionally uncomfortable for sure. Wasn't the right word for it. I should have said, first time this podcast has made me physically writhe in discomfort lol

Vernell Walker

Makes being a Valued Listener so worth it.


My in-laws had a chandelier in their garage because my father-in-law didn’t want to throw it out after they renovated their dining room. 😂

sucriC drawkcaB

That Limp Bizkit went on for way longer than I was anticipating.

Vino Galan

I ruined the limp bizkit surprise by looking at the comments too soon.

Jacqueline Jones

Two weeks later and I've still got Limp Bizkit on the brain.


Truly bizarre to hear my small city of Spokane brought up in a Swindled episode.

Blaik Parker

I always knew a concerned citizen was chill like that. Loved the Limp Bizkit surprise!

Zoey Charlemagne

Super impressed you managed to get limp Bizkit into an episode

Destiny Jackson

I haven’t finished this episode yet, but damn these ppl weren’t worried about dying in the major accident fixing?