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The game is NOT using/applying Xbox/Playstation HDR Calibration app settings.

The game currently has a much better HDR implementation compared to the (broken) F1 22 one. It actually offers a Peak HDR Brightness slider in numerical values (even if not properly in nits, but you can take the number you enter x100 to match nits value) and can go up to 10.000 nits, now correctly working even in-game.

If you have an LG OLED and:

> you're using Dynamic Tone Mapping or Dynamic Contrast:

  • Set Peak Nit Adjustment slider to: 40 (which is around 4.000 nits);

> you're using HGIG:

  • Set Peak Nit Adjustment slider to: 8 (which is around 800 nits) or 10 (for G2) or 15 (for G3).

If you don't have an LG OLED and:

> you don't have an HGIG option:

  • Leave Peak Nit Adjustment slider to: 10 (which is around 1.000 nits);

> you're using HGIG:

  • Set Peak Nit Adjustment slider to the corresponding real Peak HDR Luminance of your TV in "nits" (by just selecting a value from 1 to 100 and then doing a x100 to match it).



ciao paolo, hdr10 o scrgb su pc? i menu cambiano colore (grigio scuro) e altre cose tipo le foto dei piloti della copertina hanno un colore strano tipo sgranati...


però con l HDR cambia il colore del menu e di foto del gioco... è normale? è un bug ?


Credo sia un bug perchè quelle immagini sono state gradate probabilmente solo per l'SDR, al contrario del gioco renderizzato in tempo reale che si vede correttamente in HDR10


capito, grazie mille! a quando exoprimal? credo sia su game pass*__*