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Each week Jack, Ross and Maffew will nominate someone to enter the incredibly prestigious Cultaholic Hall Of Fame and our Patreon supporters have the chance to decide each week's winner.  Who should be our next inductee?

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Chris Counsell

Seeing as I’m part of the twitch community, and said how good it was on one of Ross’ streams, I’m taking full credit! And also, I’ll technically be in the most prestigious HoF there is!

Jason Wilkinson

I can either vote for WALTER or myself. I pick WALTER everytime

Sam Southall

No way are people voting for WALTER over the twitch community - WALTER doesn't even shout THERE HE IS at Jackie Chan!!


GordonShumway42 - I respect Sam's choice to go outside the box, but that pick was absolutely kak. The Twitch Community - Pandering at its finest from Ross but we're all absolute sluts so it's a very solid choice. Walter - Can't go wrong with choosing the big meaty Austrian bastard, especially after last week's match. Last two choices are very solid but the Twitch community is my choice.

David Wells

As much as I love the twitch community, I can't condone this pandering malarkey for shame, Mr Tweddel! (But I still love you). Looks like I'm going for mr Pork Chops himself, Walter!

Evil Fish People

The real question is would you rather take one chop from WALTER or from every member of the Twitch community?

patrick l Mitchell

Maffew could pick WALTER every week and win


I voted for the man who is named after ALF, GordonShumway42. Fantastic name.