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Each week Jack, Ross and Maffew will nominate someone to enter the incredibly prestigious Cultaholic Hall Of Fame and our Patreon supporters have the chance to decide each week's winner.  Who should be our next inductee?

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Has to be the bloke who got his end away listening to Reece’s Pieces


Can't wait to see Maffew's face when he has to read that Pacitti's Horse won the HOF

Kristaps Porzingis

There have been times when my faith in this community has been shaken but this is, without a doubt, the ideal breakdown of votes


I’ve been playing RD2 recently and I almost died when jack explained this gotta vote for adams horse it tastes just like raisins

Jacob Schwartz

Should’ve been written as “The bloke who conceived a child whilst listening to the Cultaholic wrestling podcast”. Nobody is going to know Devil Miroku, the Twitch name of the guy wasn’t really emphasized, so I think it’s unfair to Maffew’s pick that it was labeled that way.