October 2023 Check-In (Patreon)
Howdy folks!
So August was hectic, but then things calmed down considerably in September. I took the entirely selfish route and mostly relaxed for a month. Horrible, I know.
In that time, stuff still kept moving though. Drogune has its script locked, and Klaws McGee #2 is moving along - might even be out for Christmas! And with work aside, I could focus a bit on family matters.
Now October is giving way to the end-of-the-year "OH GOD WE NEED THIS NOW" season, and I'm starting to get busy again. I'll be showing off what I can when I can, and who knows? Maybe I'll do some relaxing for-me writing like this account is supposed to host.
Your patronage here is directly going to help Drogune and Klaws McGee, as well as any other flights of fancy I decide to chase, so thank you very much for your continued support.
Be good to yourselves. Be good to each other. I'll see you soon!
- Ian