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Hello all you lovely, patient patrons!

Attached to this post you'll find a sneak peak at The Nine Lives of Klaws McGee #2! Jonathan Griffiths has once again done marvelous work bringing McGee's world to life. 

The issue is presently moving into the coloring stage with a soft deadline of early 2024.

Once Klaws #2 is wrapped up, I'll be shifting focus and funds to getting Drogune's first volume out the door. But with your support, we'll be able to get Klaws' adventures up and running again soon.

Thanks, and enjoy!
- Ian



Thank you for sharing this! Klaws McGee had such a brilliant first issue and I'm glad to see that this preview is setting up even more. Jonathan Griffiths's art works so well here, because Clover's intentions are as hidden to me as I'm sure they are to McGee BUT THEN THOSE LAST TWO PANELS. On the other hand, kids are just kind of like that, huh?