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Is there even such thing as a bad BTAS episode? NOPE

Also we just finished watching Ant-Man--it'll be up shortly ❤


Joker's Wild



This is one of my favorite BTAS episodes!!

Brandon Gibbs

I always liked this one!😂 Also the next episodes you outta see are SEE NO EVIL, DAY OF THE SAMURAI and THE MAN WHO KILLED BATMAN!!!


So glad we’re back with more BTAS reactions. This was definitely such a fun episode. But from what I remember, the next several episodes are really good as well. You’re also so close to the Robin episode and it’s hands down one of my favorites of the show


I love that Joker gets upset at a branding issue more than anyone else lol and seeing everything Joker themed just reminds me of the games and how he has his goons wear clown masks, and all his gagdets are even joker themed even the gun he had had his face on it. Looking forward to more and you knowing more about robin

Martin Li

'Average' Joker episode with some wonky animation at times. There are occasional signs that the rogues' theatrical schemes have made them into pseudo-celebrities in Gotham. And without wishing to spoil, it's not the last time someone else will try to take advantage of that. Strongly recommend you watch The Man Who Killed Batman and A Bullet For Bullock.

Martin Li

It's that animatronic head with the fake Joker laugh. It ruins his image. He certainly got very upset (and murderous) in the comics when a less-talented crook impersonted him to get street cred.