Sulphur Planet - Animated Battlemap (Patreon)
2024-08-06 06:53:30
Hey everyone!
This month we wanted to animate an alien terrain for your players to explore. Hopefully one of your foolhardy players risks a dip in these bubbling, mysterious pools! You can use this as a great place to introduce your players to strange alien creatures or long mutated lost survivors of the ship wreckage. If you haven't seen it yet, Scavenger's Reign is great brainfuel for sci-fi campaigns.
Thank you to everyone who answered last week's poll, it's been very eye opening!
The video above contains the track, 'We Dug Too Deep (Ambient)' from Music d20 by the talented Will Savino. Please check out the link for more great tracks!
Come join the Discord and let us know what you think of this new animated map. :)