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Short progress update. I've been diving heavily into the sex scenes the past few weeks. The group scene I mentioned earlier is pretty much done and several other sex scenes have been added as well. Apart from Eva, Lilly, Aven and Nadya, Raene, Vess (love and submissive), Jade and Céline will also be the recipient of the MC's skin flute. I believe Alorth is currently on holiday, but as soon as he's back I'll send him the files to do some animated magic. Animated group scenes are still a bit of an unknown, but I'm sure we'll figure it out.

Next week I won't be online much, as I'm away on business. Bringing a laptop, so I should be able to write.

I'm also still in the process of looking for a payment processor for the platform I've created (see here and here). The processor I contact ignored me for several months and when I was just about to go look for another option they started the enrollment process. Things were looking positive for a short while, but there were issues during the compliance review. Watersports are apparently not permitted, but (and here's the kicker) any depiction of guns or gunfights are also not allowed... That last rule is set by a credit card company (Visa), so I've asked them if MasterCard also has the same restrictions.

On the other hand, if watersports aren't permitted altogether, I'm not sure if it's worth it. So I might need to look further. One thing's for sure, payment processors really don't seem to understand the adult games industry.



That's curious, why would they consider watersports a ban-worth act? I get it's potentially unhealthy, but if you think about it sex itself can be unhealthy to some extent (STDs, risk of injuries...)


Your guess is as good as mine. Most of the rules are tailored toward real-life pornography, so I guess they don't distinguish between real or drawn/rendered erotica.


Yeah, this is the huge flaw that lies in this thought process... why they put pixels and real beings on the same plane of judgment will always be beyond my comprehension


I've tried explaining to people who blame patreon that the core reason behind the TOS is compliance with the payment processes and even if you find a fringe one that isn't like those the odds are it will be fringe enough that many won't be able to pay by that method anyways.

Chaz Mannington

So you can use your Visa to pay for a movie like Django Unchained but not for a VN with a gun in it?

Александр Давидюк

Just create a page at subscribestar.adult. The creators of very scandalous and juicy content have been working there for many years without any serious problems.


Which is funny because there are plenty of videos with watersports on sites like Pornhub, hell they even have an entire category tab for it.