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This week I've sent all the necessary files to Alorth so that he can create the animations for the next episode. There's quite a lot of sex in this one and there's a large group scene for which a lot of variant animations need to be rendered (11 versions of each animations). I'm doubting my sanity already.

I'm currently rendering faster than I write, so I need to focus on the latter more in the coming period.

Apart from all this I've also published my new personal website. It's the platform I talked about earlier for which I'm still looking at a viable payment processor. I've managed to import all the Patreon content going back to 2017 on there, so that's preserved for the benefit of all mankind for the foreseeable future. The tier structure has been set up, but for now it's only possible to register as a non-paying Follower.

I've also been working on my very first game, which is sadly no longer available here. I commissioned music and sound effects a while back, but the composer was unable to complete the implementation, leaving the remainder of the work to me. It took a bit of work, but the game now has music and audio throughout. The only thing remaining is sound effects during sex scenes (moaning and various other nastiness). One other new feature is a full scene gallery, functioning much like TFTUV's (you can filter by character or day). This is likely the last big update the old game will receive (apart from incidental bug fixes), so it's getting some extra love.

That's all from me. Have a good weekend!


John Hall

Following back through a chain of your past Patreon posts, you don't actually seem to have provided a link anywhere to your new personal website. However a web search found the site easily enough.


That's intentionally, unfortunately. Patreon's content guidelines disallow linking directly. But I'm glad you found it anyway!


I found your site. I wish you luck in the payment department. I am really glad you are showing love to your first game. It is literally what brought me to your content and I am glad to see you not just casting it away. I am sorry what patreon has done to you.