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hi friends!

here is my edited and full opacity reaction to doctor who season 4 episode 7 "the unicorn and the wasp"

AHHHHHH A WASP (but very cool to see agatha cristie!)

thanks for watching with me!


James Knight

"It's so good to have you here." *Cat exits Stage Left* XD


Miss Redmond is Jyn Erso, btw.

Dingus Ex Machina

I genuinely would love for them to bring the wasp aliens back, and I would like for them to reference Futurama by making their honey have the same effect that it does to Leela when she eats it.


I forgot about your dislike of bugs, takes me back to the Clone Wars arc when they visited Geonosis, hundreds of all flying about, the dead ones reanimated, the giant queen, Master Luminara tied up & the little centipede creature attempting to get into her brain, good times Did you look up the name Golightly ?

Colin 3of5

Hi Emme Despite the meme I don't think the butler ever did it. at least not in an Agatha Christe novel.