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hi friends!

here is my timed reaction to doctor who season 4 episode 7 "the unicorn and the wasp"

AHHHHHH A WASP (but very cool to see agatha cristie!)

thanks for watching with me!



A great day for a fun episode! Happy Doctor Who Day Emme! November 23rd 1963 was the very first television broadcast of Doctor Who.

Stephen Wray

Fun fact the butler is David Tennant's Dad!


I'm not sure if that's totally accurate. Indeed David's Dad is in the episode as an extra. But Greeves, if that's who you meant as the butler, is credited to David Quilter. Sandy is uncredited and played a footman.


As someone who grew up loving Clue and murder mysteries, one of my fave episodes - that being said, oh how I'd love to be someone watching the next episode for the first time, can't wait for Tuesday!

Katie Niekamp

I love this episode. It's such a fun one with lots of comedy. I always laugh so hard at the poison scene.