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hi friends!

here is my edited and full opacity reaction to doctor who season 4 episode 8 "silence in the library"

WOW!!! i know we haven't even finished this story yet but this is already one of my favorite Who episodes yet!!!!

so excited to see what's next!

thanks for watching with me!


James Knight

It's great they were able to get Colin Salmon in for this. Prior to this he was in the first Resident Evil movie as the Spec Ops Team's Commander, and in James Bond as Robinson (Tomorrow Never Dies, The World is not Enough and Die Another Day).

Ryan X

The face on the statue at 6:50 is Prince Charming from Once Upon A Time

Ryan Weatherford

I can't believe we're finally to this two-parter. This is a beloved episode, definitely one of my favorites. I can't wait for you to see part 2


Believe me, in the second part, you will cry.

David McComb

Just joined emme due to following your reactions on YouTube and loving seeing you react to my favourite show glad to see you enjoying the best season of who in my opinion. Thanks for your videos and loving the early release. Special thanks Dave x


Thankfully I only have to wait a day and a half to watch the conclusion reaction 😂

Voltz Gamez

If you think this episode is already one of your favourites, I'm wondering what you think of the episode after the next one hehe


One of my all time favorite episodes of the series.