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hi friends!

here is my timed reaction to doctor who season 4 episode 8 "silence in the library"

WOW!!! i know we haven't even finished this story yet but this is already one of my favorite Who episodes yet!!!!

so excited to see what's next!

thanks for watching with me!


Tim Scott

Been looking forward to this one :)


Miss Evangelista - played by Elon Musk's ex wife Talullah Riley, who apparently urged him to buy twitter over text. My arsenal of useless Who trivia is endless I fear. Absolute banger of an episode though.


These two are my absolute favourite episodes of Dr Who✨ There’s something about that second part especially that hits so hard for me. The version of The Doctor’s Theme they use in the next one is ridiiiiiculously beautiful✨ literally makes me tear up every time I hear it. So glad I found these reactions. Hope you’re having a lovely week so far:’)


you might want to have that box of soft white tiny papers near for the next part

Stephen Wray

Another Moffat masterpiece in RTD's era. Spoilers!


The writer of this two parter, Steven Moffat, had a great track-record writing episodes for the show (The Empty Child/Girl in the Fireplace/Blink) but I think these two episodes got him the job as show runner after Russell T Davies left in 2010 (Series 5 onwards)! His early writing especially was so frightening! Its not every shadow, but any shadow... x_x

Sarah C

When you asked how we were able to watch this as children... honestly I don't know XD It scares me more now as an adult. As a child I think it was just so intriguing that that won out over the fear factor. It was morbidly one of my favourite episodes.


haha that's totally fair i feel like a lot of things that i watch back now i didn't realize how scary they really were as a kid!


omg i did NOT know that about her encourging him to buy twitter over text, that's a fun fact to have in your backpocket!