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hi friends!

here is my edited and full opacity reaction to doctor who season 4 episode 11 "turn left"

uhhh WOW this episode was insane, emotional, and scary. i am still digesting everything that happened!!!!

thanks for watching with me!



This is my favorite Doctor Who episode. If you go back and watch the Pompeii episode, the daughter who saw the future tells Donna there's something on her back.

Owen Wildish

I miss the times we used to have before New-Who, where we just see the Doctor's face in the tiles instead of the main cast being shown at the being, making it so spoilery...


Catherine Tate absolutely killed it this episode, it doesn't get mentioned enough so I'm glad you pointed it out! Also do yourself a favor and do NOT look at the opening credits of the next episode, you could always watch them after the episode is over but if you haven't already watched it, it'll make sense why I'm suggesting this 😅


The opening credits thing spoiling stuff happens again, I don't know if there's someone who edits the versions you watch but that would be helpful or you could just skip it lol

Shaun Stonard

Close your eyes for the opening credits of the next episode!

James Miller

While David Tennant isn't my favorite Doctor, he's got some really great stories during his run. The library, Midnight, the Weeping Angels, and this one are standouts.

Alex James

The fortune teller is Chantho without all the make up


Emme: The last episode showed how important a human companion is for the doctor and how vital Donna woud have been in that situation Russel T Davies: Hold my beer Emme: Are we actually on a fun adventure today ? Nope Or are we in for more trauma ? Yep Also lets just throw in a giant bug , just for you


Hope you've finished season 2 of torchwood before the next two eps 😭

John Thompson

This is the episode where Donna became my favorite Tennant companion.