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hi friends!

here is my timed reaction to doctor who season 4 episode 13 "journey's end"

:') another season finale..... wow!

thanks for watching with me!


Katie Niekamp

Taking away Donna’s growth and evolution is devastating. I feel like most companions would consider that to be their worst possible ending, even worse than death. I will NEVER forgive the show for this. I’m not kidding. If I could undo any decision, big or small, I would undo taking away her memory in this moment. All of them flying the Tardis is one of my favorite DW scenes of all time. Idk why but it makes me ugly cry. On a different note, I think there was some validity to what Davros said about the doctor and his effect on his companions. Yes, they get stronger and smarter and more confident and more capable. But they also become a little disconnected with their humanity. A little bit more and more unaffected by violence and destruction as they become desensitized. The doctor has always hated guns but he utilizes UNIT. Jack was an agent before but he was still influenced by the Doctor and Jack went on to run Torchwood. Rose became a soldier. Martha became a soldier. Sarah Jane was carrying around a freaking massive bomb as a potential weapon. Everyday people in his adventures are so taken with and inspired by the doctor that they’ll jump in front of bullets. At the end of the day, I think the companions become better versions of themselves because they’re tougher. And inspiring people to sacrifice themselves for the good of others in an impossible situation isn’t bad. All of the above can be true at the same time. As far as we’ve seen, it’s just a sad and terrible truth of existing within the brilliant vicinity of the “peaceful” doctor.

Geraint Harrison

Funny you mention another TARDIS, there is a deleted scene, when they drop off Rose and the family, the original Doctor gives her and the meta-crisis Doctor a piece of the TARDIS 'coral' like the pillars in the control room, the Doctor said they could grow another TARDIS. They DO travel the stars together.


I agree, I think it was a good commentary on how the Doctor has been written for many years. It reminds me of Batman who famously has a "no killing" rule but will beat people in ways that IRL would kill them or leave them with lifelong injuries. People do leave the Doctor better than they arrived (usually! poor donna) but they also leave more willing to do "whatever it takes" to help, including violence.


I cried! I forgot how sad the ending is cuz I don't often rewatch this. The not-goodbye goodbye is so sad. Wilf is such a good character, gets me every time. Some fun specials coming up thankfully!

Colin 3of5

The Daleks are the among the most deadly races in the "Whoniverse" and yet The Doctor scares them S-!"£$ just by his name being said. E.G. The battle of Torchwood Tower at the end of season 3. Rose's comment 4 Million Cybermen, No problem, 1 Doctor "Now your scared" Mind you this darkness in The Doctor is not an invention of Nu-Who. it has it's roots in the classic series.