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Hey everyone!

I know many of you have been waiting SO LONG for more kitty cat breeds, so I got 6 new ones for y'all!

Left to right is: 
Cornish Rex
Long haired Manx
Scottish fold
Short haired Manx

I hope y'all like these new little babies! Let me know what other cat breeds you'd like to see! We'll have a new doggie set coming next month again! <3

Filament is D3D light brown, gray, black, and white.

Keychain and non-keychain versions included and Bambu multicolor 3MF file.

Print recs:

5-10% infill

2 walls

add brim if needed

no supports

Tested down to 65% scale and up to 250%

Refer to the Flexi + Deluxe + Original seller tier download link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/flexi-model-site-103246452?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link

I hope y'all like them!

Thanks so much for all your support!

  • Kek
