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Kat Veno

SO EXCITED!! I just watched your lovely ladies' first watch through of it! She never disappoints! So excited to see how you like it!!

Jennifer Lawrence

Yessss, I've been so ready to watch it again 😂

Kathryn Fender

And I just made dinner and wanted something to watch! Your timing is impeccable!! 😂🫶



Kenyatta (KD) Smith

I thought Audrey said she was gonna have to convince you to watch it with her?! Lol


She started and I stopped her, saying I already planned to 😂 wizard of oz is iconic. And I’m a tiny fan of Ariana. But Arivo SLAYED on this! If you ask me, she was the tops in this 👍


That ballroom scene had me in shambles in the theater. My experience of being bullied was not so extensive but I think everyone can identify with some of the feelings of loneliness and rejection. And Cynthia acted the hell out of that scene. Just her showing defiance while you can still feel her hurt, so powerful.


That scene killed me. Absolutely agree that a lot of people had some connection to the feeling Cynthia injected into that part. I got laughed at, at a junior high dance because no one came with me and I tried dancing on my own. I was already an outcast of sorts and an easy target. I tried to not care but I remember calling my mom and begging to get picked up. I don’t like to dance since and kind of why I just play goofball in those instances. But it all came back after not even thinking about it for decades and I loved that she just danced anyway. Powerful moment for sure.

Jennifer Lawrence

It's part 1, lol. You missed it when it said it in the beginning. I think part 2 comes out later this year


It's so funny. I had the exact opposite reaction. I knew Cynthia Erivo (Elphaba) was going to kill the singing and acting in this role but I'm much more familiar with her work than you are. I was way more skeptical about Ariana Grande. But Ariana blew me away with her acting/comedic timing; she was pleasantly hilarious and ridiculous and she threw herself into that character. I knew she would be good at the singing but her acting impressed me. By the way, Ariana is only 5'1'' so yes she's very tiny. It's actually funny because she's the same height as Cynthia but they used camera angles and heels to make more of a height differential. The two ladies you recognized from Glee were the original Elphaba and Glinda on Broadway, Idina Menzel played Elphaba (she's also known for being Elsa in Frozen and she played Shelby, Rachel's mom, in Glee) and Kristin Chenoweth played Glinda (she was Will's friend April in Glee). So it was a really cute homage. Yes, you missed it in the opening credits but it's a part one. Part 2 will come out later this year. It's basically split the musical in half - this was Act 1 and Part 2 will be Act 2.


Oh man, that sucks. It's a reminder that you never know what scars someone is carrying. Junior high is bad enough on its own! Audrey seems like a blast and so talented! Looking forward to more of her Wicked content 😀


I don't think she was happy when she set fire to the massive tall wooden witch; she seemed sad and kind of mad at the same time.

Kat Veno

Just finished! I am a HUGE wicked fanatic. this is like my 8th time watching it this week, and it was my first ever broadway show! Everytime I watch the movie I see a new foreshadowing for what happens in Act 2 or some other thing that pays homage to the Wizard of Oz. Absolutely obsessed! It was very interesting to watch it from your perspective of not knowing the full story of Wicked!!


and Cynthia cried during the rehearsal and during filming for that scene. Ariana wiping her tear away was an improvised moment during rehearsal that she then took into filming when she saw Cynthia crying again. So moving and resonant


Maybe it was just playing to the audience 🤷‍♂️ but I thought I got a glimpse or two of what I thought seemed like she was happy

Rachel Aaron

With all these Easter eggs and everything the one thing I’ve seen no one mention is how the wizard is elphabas father.

Elena de Haan

Maybe because in the beginning she puts up a front to make everyone think shes happy that the witch is dead shes pretending. but we get to see how close they actually were.


Holy Shit this was the best Musical I've seen in a looooooong time!

Quindel Jones

Loved watching along with you! Thanks for dropping this ♥️ was waiting for you to figure out it was “my boy Dinklage!!!” 🤣


Loved this reaction! And as a long time fan of the musical, so glad you loved it. They did the show such justice. Wicked is definitely Elphaba’s show, and I thought they both did such a great job in these roles. They were actually singing on set…Cynthia even while flying and doing those stunts. (And the tap dancing foot was Goldblum…at least that’s what the women said in their commentary) I hope you’ll react to the behind the scenes features! We get part 2 in November!!


And thank you for sharing so much of your own experiences! It’s incredible when a show like this can strike such a chord.

Tema Krempley

This is act 1 of the musical. Part 2 will be act 2. At this point, I have seen Wicked twice in theaters and twice at home. You and Audrey are the twice at home. I just preordered my Blu-ray, but I don't know if I can hold out! I might have to rent the damn thing to watch it a 5th time.


Probably because that's what some would have considered a massive spoiler...

Kenyatta (KD) Smith

It’s funny how everyone was so skeptical about Ari’s acting when she started out acting before her pop career. Seeing her acting in Victorious and all the SNL skits she’s done as well as impressions during interviews I knew she’d kill this.


Yeah I knew she acted but I was too old to be interested in her acting career as it happened so that colored my perspective. It's just funny how everyone came at each actress differently based on what we were familiar with them from!

Turnip Crazy

I get you here. I'm so happy that I can watch with Danny and Audrey, because it can hold me off till the physical movie comes out. I'm worse than you, I saw the movie 4 times in theaters. Two were opening weekend, watched it on opening day, then on Christmas day, last at a sing along. I have see it so many times.

Savvy H

I love this thread so much lol. I saw it twice in theaters, and now twice at home with both Audrey and now Danny lol, and once with my boyfriend at home... It's sad, cause no one, except for my sister who lives 3 states away loves it as much as I do lol, and will watch it with me lol.


that little intro is another reason why I love this channel/You so much. You didnt even owe us a thank you for you and your team to be able to take time for the holidays, when her or not anything was “celebrated” a nice break is always deserved, especially when you put smiles on so many faces 🩷 We appreciate YOU 🥹

Ashleigh Stanley

bullies often bully to hurt others and embarass them, if you take that control and not react poorly, they no longer find the fun in bullying you any longer. i found it was the best tactic to end bullying. bullies are often simple minded lmao.


"Arianna's reaction was priceless" I'm over here rewatching you reacting to her reaction over and over 🤣😂 Your laugh is infectious!


I watched this at a drive in theater as I have kids, no babysitter and I wasn't NOT going to support a musical I've loved on CD but never seen in person. It left me feeling 'meh, pretty good'. Now that I watched it here (full concentration, no complaining kids behind me lol), I absolutely loved it and saw so many missed parts.

Samantha Ubaldo

So happy you reacted! I love Wicked! Saw the musical back in high school (like 2007ish) and have been obsessed since. I’ve watched the movie 3 times in theater, your reaction, saw the live musical last night and now I’m about to watch Audrey’s reaction. Can’t wait for Part 2!

Sarah H

The "WHAAAAAATTT?!" at the end KILLED ME😂 there's a part 2 coming out in November this year!!!

Joshua Coldwater

I can confirm that the main cast NEVER stepped foot into a studio, they recorded every note on set during the scenes.


My goodness this was such a good movie

Jill G.

This movie genuinely meant the world to me! I saw the play when I was 10 and it absolutely changed my life. It was like seeing my life played out in front of me. I was adopted at five months old and my adopted parents rejected me and treated me very poorly and then I was also bullied to an extreme by my peers at school. I had one good friend who did happen to be very popular ironically I don’t know if she took pity on me at the time or genuinely liked me as a person but she befriended me and was very good friend to me and we stopped talking for a while but we communicate now and then as adults! They did such a phenomenal job on this movie, Cynthia was the best follow up to Idina I wouldn’t want anyone else her voice is so beautiful! Im so glad you loved this movie too I love your reactions! Especially your greys series!🖤 your YT editing team is the best !

Andrew James

No, she wasn’t happy. At that point, she thinks her best friend is dead, but she is a celebrity in Oz. The respected Glinda the Good, so she has to play her part. notice that the whole song, she was singing how the witch died alone. She never said sang the same words as the celebrating Munchkins.

Cody M

I finally got around to watching this - and I loved your reaction. I felt similarly during the ballroom scene - I wasn't bullied as extensively, but I understand the feeling of rejection and loneliness in that situation. Part 2 (now named Wicked: For Good) comes out November 21st in the US - hopefully the streaming release comes out around New Year's like this did. Hopefully you guys watch For Good together, since it's always cool watching you two bounce off each other.

David Guilmette

Finally getting to watch this and I am at the part where you asked if the had people playing the animal roles. Yes, people played the animals. For the 10th anniversary of the show there was a Wicked cruise that we went on, and they brought props from the show. I was able to wear Glinda’s crown (that sucker is heavy), I also wore Dr. Dillamond’s and Chistery’s mask.

Whitley Ashton Wright

You recognized them but I don’t see a comment letting you know that the singers in the Emerald City (Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenoweth) {who both cameo on Glee as well} are actually the original Broadway performers for Elphaba and Glinda 😊 You probably already know now since this is a late comment lol but, in case you didn’t 💕 another great reaction video in the books!


It was commented on the YT edit 😂 many times 🤣 but thank you regardless. Might have to find a recording of them rocking it.

Alex Foster

Great reaction! I cried soo kuch watching this. Between their acting and you sharing your story I was a puddle haha. Also I have watched a few things about the movie and apparently it was goldblum doing gis own dancing. I was pleasantly surprised by that.

Laura Moore

She and Cynthia are about the same size.

Laura Moore

They both sing live on set.

Carolyn Pang

Take it from a Wicked fanatic— watch the No One Mourns the Wicked scenes again. Galinda was NOT happy to set the effigy on fire. The best Galindas in the stage play managed to convey their mixed feelings of grief and needing to be the cheerer-upper of the people. It’ll be clearer after you see Part Two, but here I think Ariana did a fine job of conveying the wrenching time Glinda was going through at that moment.

Carolyn Pang

Thank you thank you thank you for doing this movie review! I joined your Patreon because I so enjoyed how YOU enjoyed the movie on YouTube . But there was a huge bonus I didn’t realize would be here.

Carolyn Pang

As someone who had many of the same experiences for some of the same reasons (loss of hearing, etc.) I was mesmerized by your stories of your childhood. This was one of the threads that made me such a fan of the stage version of Wicked. You seem to be further along in dealing with the ravages of those experiences and discerning what they mean and meant to you than I am, so I not only got to say to myself “I do know what it’s like to have a spotlight on me in front of a cadre of people laughing at me” but learning from your comments. You probably had a rougher time that I did as boys tend to be a little more physically abusive to other boys. Perhaps that’s why you’ve come so far in your journey. I’m sorry for what you had to go through on a deep level, but that doesn’t stop me from appreciating the insights you shared. Mahalo.