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Daphne O'Reilly

In my opinion, Liam is black, I am black but my name is Irish :o. I have family that have blonde hair and blue eyes but still two black parents. I have a cousin that looks like a white dude, like blonde hair, pasty as hell you would never guess his mom is a black woman. Must've been some racial mixing, the reason Liam came out the way he did. Which probably went back to slavery, but I won't get too much into that just my opinion. I know there's this whole back and forth are mixed race black people really black people or should they be in separate category. Colorism, etc. And some folks get upset when mixed race black people call themselves black, but that's just my opinion ya'll feel free to disagree. Also I disagree Debbie it's not Kelly's fault that you fell in love in with her or that Carl gave up on everything, grow up and take responsibility for your own actions. Side note, it is nice to see a more vulnerable side to Carl, he's come a long way since season 1.


Definitely not part of the “not black” crowd 😂 my thinking on this one was more on how there would be an African decent if both parents are white 🤷‍♂️ and not from Africa. But didn’t come to mind that one of the parents may have African descent somewhere in their lineage.


I think I heard somewhere that the girl who plays Fiona doesn’t drink at all so I’d say she did a great job acting.


The actress of Fiona (Emmy) left Shameless to spread her wings as an actress and work on different projects, I also believe Emmy had just gotten married as well and wanted to focus more on her family life. Any bts drama is not related to why she left the show lol

Jazzy Jay 💃🏾

I have to say I totally feel Audrey on the tortilla packages. I have straight ripped through the plastic trying to get the zip seal open 😂. And oh my God season 10 here we go! I absolutely love season 10, please watch the intro theme for season 10 😍 Edit: did I say season 10 enough? 🤣


Fun fact the shirt that Fiona is wearing in this episode is the shirt she was wearing in the first episode! She only wore it in her first and last episode

Claudia G

Such an emotional and crucial episode... it seems like it was yesterday when they were little kids, and yet everyone is proving (in one way or another, regardless of the plenty of mistakes they've made) to be growing up into pretty amazing people, I can't help but be proud of them. Even more important than that, is the fact that through it all they've loved and cared for eachother like no other; I find it very moving to see the unconditional love they hold for Fiona, with nothing else but blind support for her; definetly something to admire and strive for. The Gallaghers will never fail to make me cry




I think Frank mentions that he had a grandma or something (?) that was black and/or that relative was mixed race on some side of his family. idk, it was like way back in season 2 that he said it in regards to Liam being fully his and Monica's when everyone was confused as to how a darkskin baby was produced by two whities. its still really confusing even to me as a mixed race person xD but it does happen. genetics have a really funny sense of humor, suddenly deciding to show up in one person in the family a couple of generations down the line, which does mean Liam is still of african descent. i think that technically means ALL of the Gallaghers are too, but the irish gene dominated their phenotypical appearance whereas the African gene dominated Liam's. again, genetics are really weird and despite it being a science, i feel as if it isnt very exact. but this is what i can remember from punnett squares in middle school AP biology, so i could definitely be missing some other factors!


I was really thrown by Tami saying Lip wouldn't be a good dad. What?! I feel like it's so obvious he'd be amazing. Maybe she's just lashing out? Or maybe she's heard stories from her sister who's married to someone in AA? And she's worried Lip might start drinking when the baby comes, the way Brad did? That's the only thing that comes to mind, but each time I think I understand her, she does something unexpected, so who knows! Thank goodness for Kev. I feel like discussions between guys about being a good dad are so rare in media, it was such a sweet moment! I would love to see more of them exchanging parenting tips. :) You're right, it does feel like this could be an end of series episode. I wonder if that's intentional, kind of like season 7 with Monica's funeral? I'll have to look up if season 9 was meant to be the final season at any point.