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Portia Crain

I "this is us" would do really good with the crowd that likes to see you in your feel.


The guy who ate his novel was also in The Normal Heart, the patient who was dying and wanted his dog.

Taryn Pruett

Hahaha I just caught up and finished 2x12. Perfect timing!!!

Jennifer Lawrence

I wanna say that the recaps for shows like this recap things from previous episodes that will be related to things in this episode or will be plotlines that will be continued in this episode. So that they're fresh in your mind when they further those plotlines. Rather than just a straightforward recap of the previous episode. I know it often feels like they just throw a bunch of different scenes at you that don't have a ton to do with each other, but, it does give you an idea then of what different things that are going on that will be touched on in this episode.

Elena de Haan

Rather than correcting the person with Alzheimer’s or prompting them when they can’t remember details, it’s best to “enter their reality,” Dr. Fredericks says. For example, if your loved one repeatedly calls you by the wrong name, it’s OK to go with it and answer to that name. Or if they think the year is 1955, it’s reasonable to not correct them.


Commenting as I watch, just got through the story of your dad and I'm crying with you 💙

Jennifer Lawrence

Stephen Spinella, he was indeed in Virtuosity

Jennifer Lawrence

I have to comment as I go as I won't remember everything I want to say or help answer by the time the episode is over lol

Jennifer Lawrence

I went through that with my grandfather, before he passed. He'd always think I was my mother or her sister. Eventually I stopped correcting him because it didn't seem to help at all.

Jennifer Lawrence

I'm also very blunt (without being rude, typically). I hate lying and liars. I feel like the truth comes out eventually and then things end up worse than if you'd told the truth in the first place. I also hate being lied to. I think it's part of why people often go to me for advice or to talk about things because I won't sugar coat or tell people what I think they want me to say.

Taryn Pruett

Also, Denny 🥹🖤🖤🖤🖤 my favorite

Taryn Pruett

Yes pleasssse!! That show is phenomenal. I also think you would love Schitts Creek. Amazing comedy with heartwarming messages

Haley Commet

Its Andi Mac's grandma

Haley Commet

She asked for scissors to cut off her hair....

Jennifer Lawrence

Love Schitts Creek! That one took me a little while to get into as the characters (by design) aren't all that likeable at first. But, I'm so glad I stuck with it!

Quindel Jones

Omg I’m so glad you called out Burke and his abuse of power with his relationship with Cristina!! It’s my main reason for hating him lol. Their entire relationship so far as been him pushing her boundaries til she bends and NOW with the at work beefing? As her superior?? Juvenile as a partner and abusive as a boss


there is a game called battletoads! 😂😂 I have it for NES!


also thanks for ruining super soccer for me 🤣🤣🤣 (commenting in real time lmao)


I love your reactions to this show. Denny is one of my favorite patient characters and his relationship with Izzie is sweet. Burke and Cristina is a complicated pairing for me but I like that you noticed how he can be controlling. He really does push and expect her to change for him and it's my least favorite part of their relationship.


We know what you meant don’t worry 😆😆😆😆


Not gonna specify but I hope you know what part I’m talking about lol. The panic in your eyes before clarifying, bless your heart 😭 if not I have the timeframe lol

bea ✨

oop it begins


I'm German, so being blunt is kind of in my nature. I'm totally on George's side on this one. Not telling is one thing, lying something completely different, so I would have given it away by hesitating as well.

bea halonen

i was unsubscribed for two days because i was waiting for my payday and that was the worst fomo i’ve ever had hahahah!!! definitely exhilarated to be back here


i like these recaps bc it’s lets us know that older storylines are coming back into play


Denny!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Shani Gribben

I’m not sure how much of my negative feelings towards Burke is to do with the character and how much is to do with all the stories about how much of a douchebag the actor was behind the scenes

Shani Gribben

What little I know about being intersex, which is the current term for hermaphroditism comes from knowing about how it occurs in dogs. If the testicles stay in the abdomen, which sounds like the case here, it puts the patient at significant risk for cancer because the abdomen is too warm an environment. There’s also quite a lot of variation in intersex people regarding what’s internal and what’s external and there’s cases of it causing urinary problems because typical males and typical females have their urethras in different places which could potentially lead to an intersex person having two, but one of them doesn’t have an exit which would be another reason to operate. Also each set of sex organs produces different hormones which can also be a problem. I am just guessing here based on my knowledge of mammals anatomy

Veronica Garcia

HELLO AGAIN! I am binging all of these reactions today and I have made it this far. I'm gonna assume someone else probably already said it in the comments, but about the recaps, it would TOTALLY make more sense for the recap just to focus on what happened in the last episode, but i think the idea (especially originally when the show was airing weekly) was to update people with all the general "need to know" things that have happened so far that might be relevant background for the current episode. Does that make sense?? Because maybe you forgot a small detail like "Baileys pregnant!" and it might not be a key piece to the previous episode but it would be for the current one! Eventually it will be worth it... don't let it annoy you!!! THERE ARE MORE FABULOUSLY TRAGIC MOMENTS TO COME!! Can you tell I'm excited.... i love greys.

Veronica Garcia

also on a totally different note, Izzie & Dennys chemistry is unmatched! i think people have different opinions on Izzie as a character / Katherine as an actress, but i really really really have always loved these two.