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You keep mentioning Star Trek, what's your favorite series? Voyager girlie over here with DS9 very very close second


TNG because Data 😂 and Jordie La Forge because Reading Rainbow! I’d say Voyager is my second these days. And the new(ish) Picard series that came out is pretty dope! Dipping its toes in the water of multiple series.


I am very pro choice but I was gonna do adoption when I got pregnant. Then I had a 3d ultrasound and saw his face... single mom to a 5 year old boy now 🤣 i fell in love with his little face and decided I could do it.


It was hard for me to not say TNG because Troi was my bisexual awakening at the ripe age of 7 or 8


HAHHHHHAHAHAAAA! 🤣 she had a lot of Trekkies melting for sure. Her black eyes were always hypnotizing me 🤣

bea ✨

i really like the next episode, excitedly waiting for next week !!

Portia Crain

Is it next week yet lol ... to say I am excited is an understatement!