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Catherine Thurmond

You have the title right but the thumbnail and collections wrong.


I actually like that they had Ian and Mickey fight like this bc it is completely understandable, like you said its like covid times when everyone was stuck together, except in this case its worse because theyre together every second of everyday for months now and the environment isnt exactly nice either so its like double stress on them both, its normal for them to lash out like this and it was nice to see it wasn't just roses for them bc they were together and it makes it more real

Haley Commet

lol the thumbnail hahaha

Jade Blue

You’re right about the tone of the show changing. They were going more for a comedy than the dramedy it had been up to this point. There still are some heavier moments, but mostly they are played for laughs. So it does sometimes feel like a different show, or a spinoff. But hey, there’s still the whole gang , so worth watching.

Jade Blue

When the uber driver calls Mikey Mickey he says “who the fuck is Mickey?” Cause Mickey’s back after being gone so long! LOL


Hey i just wanted to ask what you think about doing once shameless finally comes to an end (the reactions i mean, the shows already finished haha), i found you because and for shameless and your knowledge i mean, i cant think of a better show for someone like yourself to react to than shameless. maybe skins? i dont know.


You should check out the mayonnaise commercial that came out a while back featuring Ian and Mickey's actors 😅


Greys is doing a decent job and has plenty of episodes 😂 I think that might become the base show once shameless is all the way done. There’s still some extra stuff too. Beyond that, we got some seasons to finish and more planned.


I have returned.


Thinking of it as a spinoff is a really good idea! Might be easier to go with the tone shift that way. Mickey made a deal to be locked up with Ian, so I don't think the warden is allowed to switch him out of Ian's cell. But under normal circumstances, I imagine the guards or warden could use a relationship as leverage.