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Golden girls is a classic! Growing up in the early 2000s I never understood the jokes, but now watching back as an adult, that show is GOLD (pun intended) lolll

Kelly Terry

The reason there is nothing in the syringe is because it is used to deflate the balloon that keeps the breathing tube in place so they can remove it

Haley Commet

I use to work in a call center for 12 hours, it was in a hospital and it was hell. Never again.


I'm right there with you on the mom stuff. Tomorrow is the 20 year anniversary of when I lost my mom and it still gets me every time.


great reaction! cant wait for the next couple of episodes! 😝

Jennifer Lawrence

I was cracking up because when I was young watching Golden Girls with my mom I always misheard it as "heart attack" instead of "card attached". 😂 Even though it made no sense. That went on for so long that I still hear it that way. I had that happen with a lot of songs, for whatever reason. Until one day singing along to a song on the radio my mom pointed it out that it wasn't the lyrics lmao

Shani Gribben

Blanche, Sophia, Dorothy and Rose were the Golden Girls. May all four of them rest in peace. Betty played Rose. Samantha was from Sex and the City

Shani Gribben

I was almost named Sarah as well. Mum was trying to decide between Sarah, Sasha and Shani but apparently I would kick whenever she thought about Shani so basically I chose my name

Shani Gribben

I am way too excited for the next episode! So is everyone else who knows what’s coming

Rachel Cabot

I would recommend trying to do both episode 16 and 17 back to back this week. They’re a two parter and a doozy at that 🙃

bea ✨

the paper bag basically helps to control your breath in a similar way to calming breathing techniques, it’s a way to help with anxiety symptoms :)


LOL a 30 minute tangent on the Golden Girls during this episode wasn't on my bingo card today. Oh yeah Burke blaming Cristina for his choices pissed me off. His inability to love and accept and see her for the flawed and complex person she actually is as opposed to the simple and bendable person he wants her to be is a frustrating reoccurring theme in their relationship that I can't stand. I don't think Izzie's point AT ALL was if she had the baby her life was over. I think it was that there's more than one way to do what's best for you and your baby and adoption, which she says isn't talked about where they come from, is one in alternative to raising the baby when they know that some of that will involve struggling and leaving school at 16.


As an addict (6 years clean, I never say former addict, it's never former) getting pregnant pushed me into recovery because I didn't want my child having my life. He's 6 this year and waiting until I was older and knew I could get into active recovery was the best thing I ever did. In my 20s I think I would have been to selfish to give him a good life.


I shiver all the time. Like most days most of the day I’m shivering where my body tenses up, my teeth rattle and my muscles hurt by the end of it. You just gave me some relief….holy shit thank you


Im so glad im not the only one who cant STAND PRESTON BURKE'S ASS. he was cool and even somewhat charming at first but the more he interacts with Cristina, the more its like....dude, why are you even with her if you genuinely dont like anything about her??? like, yes, they have surgery in common. but beyond that, they couldnt be more different and he KNOWS this! yet he is just sticking it through because.... what, he's hoping he can influence her to be more like him? thats certainly the vibe im getting from him. obviously Cristina is still flawed and young and its early in her career, but he acts like he has an air of superiority over her, and not just because he's an attending and she's an intern. it feels more like some weird control thing that just rubs me the wrong way, especially since he's got more age and experience than her (not saying its bad theres an age gap but in certain situations, you DEFINITELY have to be aware of a certain level of power imbalance, especially considering they WORK together.) idk, i feel extra protective of Cristina because i completely relate to her in a lot of ways, personality and ambition wise (i dont want to be a surgeon though, i have my eyes set on astronomy and physics), her apprehension towards intimate emotions, the dating someone way above your experience level because you admire them. i may have a biased perspective on it but regardless, burke just sets off all kind of alarm bells in my head

Savvy H (edited)

Comment edits

2025-02-02 04:30:39 “Fuck you Greys” is definitely going to continue lol
2025-02-02 04:30:39 “Fuck you Greys” is definitely going to continue lol
2025-02-02 04:30:39 “Fuck you Greys” is definitely going to continue lol
2025-02-02 04:30:39 “Fuck you Greys” is definitely going to continue lol
2025-02-02 04:30:39 “Fuck you Greys” is definitely going to continue lol
2025-02-02 04:30:39 “Fuck you Greys” is definitely going to continue lol
2025-02-02 04:30:39 “Fuck you Greys” is definitely going to continue lol
2025-02-02 04:30:39 “Fuck you Greys” is definitely going to continue lol
2025-02-02 04:30:39 “Fuck you Greys” is definitely going to continue lol
2025-02-02 04:30:39 “Fuck you Greys” is definitely going to continue lol
2025-02-02 04:30:39 “Fuck you Greys” is definitely going to continue lol
2025-02-02 04:30:39 “Fuck you Greys” is definitely going to continue lol
2025-01-25 16:33:55 “Fuck you Greys” is definitely going to continue lol

“Fuck you Greys” is definitely going to continue lol