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Well well well, there's so much going on here First of all, we have an "individualised" clone wandering around in a museum wearing only a panties 🤔 then, we can see that Zoob seem to have his own brand of panties 👀 (I always thought there they were "lost and found" underwear 🤔) And then it's not a Saxoboom but a Saxy Sax, with some very interesting surnatural powers 👀 How interesting is that!

Annony Moose

Saxy Sax Girl has got it goin' on.


Oh yes well Saxaboom had to be done, hence the Youtube link... But yeah, there's a little bit more to this indiviualised clones thing... I was consulting with the spirits of comic inspiration last night and have drawn some rough layouts... As for Zoob's own bran and activities, well yes... I think there'll be more of that, too!


I somehow missed the youtube link, that's awesome! 😆 I love the clones, I love the individualised clones even more 😄 I want a comic with them taking the lab over and Lenora trying to brainwash them back 😜 That's pretty fun that all of this happened because Zoob gave them colorful/printed panties 🤣 I'm definitely looking forward for more zoob shenanigans 😁 that could be fun if Zoob and Zeeb meet each other at some point