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Unlike previous years, I'm not planning on taking a break over Christmas/ new Years. Even though I really, really need one! But I won't be, for a few reasons. One being that I have a couple of comics to finish! Both the Red Baroness and the Spooky Mansion stories are very close to completion.

So, what to expect: For the next two weeks there won't be a happy Friday/ Friday vote (I figure the sexy sax is a good outro for 2024 😄...? ). What you will be seeing is the comic pages for the above two projects as I complete them. I probably won't be following my regular posting schedule either; I'll just be putting things up as I go.

So that'll be my 'sort of' wind down for the year, while still working and finishing stuff. Huzzah! ⚡


Elle a Poil

I LOVE and even play the tenorsax, the most sexy of all saxes

Elle a Poil

I do, and I'm getting singing lessons at music school and private lessons piano. I live with music and art (that's why I think your art is just great)