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Your slutty tenant has a really bad moaning problem, and tries his best to explain why he just needs to moan so loudly after getting a noise complaint from the upstairs neighbor :)

We looooove a little bit of porn logic in this house, right?

This was also an improv word for word so forgive me if I horny-brained at any moments

This content is an original work of creative fiction owned by BloomingVA. This audio is recorded by an adult for adults only. It is strictly a fantasy; it is not real. All the characters depicted are aged 18+, and all interactions in this audio are consensual. Please do not download or share this content on any other platform.


Haribo_folie (edited)

Comment edits

2024-12-22 07:57:10 Woah I just landed back to the States when I got this notification 👁️👄👁️
2024-12-10 02:03:16 Woah I just landed back to the States when I got this notification 👁️👄👁️

Woah I just landed back to the States when I got this notification 👁️👄👁️

Haribo_folie (edited)

Comment edits

2024-12-22 07:57:10 Literally listening to this as I’m in the plane taxing to our gate👁️🫦👁️
2024-12-10 02:04:57 Literally listening to this as I’m in the plane taxing to our gate👁️🫦👁️

Literally listening to this as I’m in the plane taxing to our gate👁️🫦👁️


I was about to watch a movie, till something better caught my eye just now 🤭🫠


Goooood fucking night to me :)))

Mimi (edited)

Comment edits

2024-12-22 07:57:10 pov: when your neighbor hears you “singing”
2024-12-10 02:19:08 pov: when your neighbor hears you “singing”

pov: when your neighbor hears you “singing”

Otter Bunny

BLOOM POST🔥thank you for the dinner




the upstairs neighbor stronger than me cause i’d show them a REAL noise complaint with this guy

Haribo_folie (edited)

Comment edits

2024-12-22 07:57:10 bloom. Did you mean January 1st 2025, not 2024😭
2024-12-10 02:52:09 bloom. Did you mean January 1st 2025, not 2024😭

bloom. Did you mean January 1st 2025, not 2024😭




woah knew you were planning something after posting the tenant tweet


imagine youre jerking off and your neighbor just starts to do it louder than you


finally, you and my neighbors who do a nightly karaoke routine have competition


jesus christ


Ok ive listened through the full audio and honestly ……raw until the room is humid and stinks


😭😭😭😭😭 my bad king it had to be said


Note to my future self: you cannot. I repeat, CANNOT, listen to this in public. You can’t hide your face🤦🏾

Vara Lyn

Girl dinnerrrr💞💞💞


i saw that someone else sent a note to themself to not listen to this in public...WHY DIDN'T I LISTEN TO THEIR NOTE??? bloom this was so cutely and pathetically needy to a degree that i didn't realize i'd like in a sub???? 10/10 and i desperately need more mind-numbingly subby and needy audios in my life.

Saturn 🪐

First off my head is spinning because you just posted three audios in like two hours. Much appreciated, sir—but DAMN. Second, I’ve never laughed so hard at the tenant telling the landlord that their “being horny all the time,” is the ONLY impact to their life. I currently live under a single dad. But when I first moved in he had a GF. And his room was directly above mine. Lol. I never complained to the manager about it though. Six months though? Really? Dayum! Anyways I lost my train of thought. My brain is malfunctioning. 🥴😮‍💨😵‍💫 **BLOOM OVERLOAD**🫠🤭😝 Jk there’s no such thing. 💙💜


dare i say… a sequel? i just personally think the landlady would need more proof


Was literally about to type this. Also the landlady needing to confirm just how loud her tenant can get for research purposes. Comparing manual vs. assisted via a variety of methods. You know set a baseline to build on. Maybe edging also for a more comprehensive argument. If he dies, he dies. (I know ya’ll like to tussle- that is a movie reference. Breathe.)


listened to this while driving home and it was surprisingly funny to me LOL the january 2024 made me giggle. at the end i was scared for ur lil bloom bc you kept going 😭


being tew horny is an actual issue tho the neighbor must understand


Your honor, he has a point

Emma ❄️

Please tell me this script is based on that time your neighbor complained about you moaning loudly! 🙏


Thank you for the delicious meal bloom


Oh Fuck...


Just recovered from fever but now we're having a different level of temperature increase here, aren't we!!!!?


i so wish we could comment with gifs.


Oh im gonna be coming back to this one again and again i fear 🥴


Man you could make a trio with my old neighbors. The couple just had to “clap and sing” with their window open and istg the whole building could hear their “music” cuz it even poked through my closed window and my neighbor upstairs was mad messaging me about the same concern.

Emma ❄️

I do wonder how you cope with the constant need to achieve orgasm. I assume it interrupts your daily life (aside from when you’re making audios)


Just finished the first week of a new full time job and now finally enjoying the new uploads! Thank you for the present Bloomie~! ❤🙏

it’s not fair .. i just wanna bounce on it……


this is such a sad problem to have i feel so bad i got tears running down my thighs 😔🤚 when will this tenants suffering end 😥


Some people have audio books... I have Bloom..


🫢 Just, wow ~ the moans, "sloppy and hard" 😮‍💨😩 my poor knees lol. I'm sure the landlady would very reasonably want to verify these claims for legal reasons, and before tenant comes over to sort things out themselves


gotta give it to the guy for submitting the request complete with A/B testing and everything. scientific.


If you have a partner you fuck like rabbits, if you're alone you masturbate a few times a day, pretty simple. If you're busy you're horny while busy, never quite goes away, at some point you learn to ignore it.


yeah doesn't sound super fun in the real world lol my neighbors are super noisy and terrible and I hate it, if I had some bitch ass dude moaning all day I would crash out


first gif im using is of the kevin gates variety trust that

Emma ❄️

Fair enough 😂 I forgot to consider you can just stop what your doing and that you’re not literally tied to a chair


Just subbed to your patreon and wow. This is a beautiful introduction. I feel very much welCUMed🙂‍↕️