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Jinwoo and company are still stuck inside the red gate as they come face to face with the boss



Cerulean Spectre

he's just adding more to his shadow army

Cerulean Spectre

he's like become part of my shadow crew bro lolololololo

Cerulean Spectre

it's like he didn't even break a sweat from this

scott Carter

I said the same thing about the system glitch. I've never read the Manga so this one is new for me too. 1. Are their systems the same or something different? From the first episode with that double dungeon I thought he was challenged in a room of gods (like a Panteon). 2. What is the system? Is it just a mechanism and if so how did it get set up or it could be a way for those gods to play a game of some sort. Hell if I were immortal i'd need some way of being entertained. 3. That guy had to be high level. He took on all 3 of them and was doing pretty good. it's just that he couldn't compensate for all of the different skills that were brought against him. I don't know if you guys noticed but that New guy he got was a tank and had a provoke or Taunt skill that he kept using on that guy. it was the reason he had to stop focusing on Jinwoo and kept saying ok you die first then. Like the first season this season has started off with me going WTF this is awesome. Thanks for showing these i'm having a lot of fun watching them with you guys.

scott Carter

I wonder how many he can hold in storage now since his level has been increasing. He had something like 30 slots to begin with. that storage must have increased.


Lots of good questions here. We're finding ourselves asking some of the same ones! The glitch seems to have stopped the elf from telling Jinwoo who they are. So that makes me think there is some kind of intelligence behind what or who caused the glitch. Things are getting wild. I love that he is gaining more minions as well!

Haley A

im not 100% sure but i think the glitch is the system censoring the answer the ice elf would've said. because Jinwoo asked "Who exactly are you? and what do you want with the humans?" not just like his name, and the system doesnt want Jinwoo to know (yet?) any clues as to what or where the gates come from. this is just my theory based on what i have seen in the Manhua thats out, i think ive read either 7 or 8, however many are out minus 1, because i havent gotten around to buying the most recent since it came out


Yeah this is how I interpreted it too (I'm anime only though). Seems that someone or something doesn't want him to know something important. I think it's because people aren't supposed to be able to communicate with the Ice Elves. Jinwoo's system is kind of breaking the game so to speak.


When Igris fought the ice bears last episode, Jinwoo said that if Igris had used his sword instead of fighting unarmed then he'd have been too strong for him. And yeah, Kim Chul, the guy that turned into Iron, was A-rank.

Jason Buckley

(i doubt this will be a spoiler for future episodes as it's only about who can talk in Dungeons, but here is a spoiler warning anyway.) the Sentience with the Monsters in the gates scale with the difficulty of the dungeon with mindless E rank, Pack hunters D rank, Tribe-like starting at C rank with Trolls (one of the episodes during the 19 runs show the tribe but its missing a few things from manwha) Human/oid Sentience B rank , Societal Sentience A rank (example ice elves purposefully making Hunter Kim Dread and killing his Crew first Toying with him to be lead to the rest of the humans, end of Episode 1 shown this.) *Spoiler* Sentience S rank. This Red gate went from C to Peak A rank Difficulty.


Remember when Igris got into the shadow Army it was about to fail the « soul » had a strong will but Jinwoo convinced him. Fir Barak the strong boss elf not only was he high level too he probably just refuse submission I mean he is strong enough to get the choice

Cerulean Spectre

i dmed you guys some of the slime videos wasn't sure if you guys would noticed them in chat some are about lore


1)Jinwoo and Jinho have to Finish 20 gates to make Jinho a guild master and have not done that yet, so they were on there way to a new gate. 2) The Glitch was the system hiding the answer to the question he asked Baruka "Who exactly are you?" The system is keeping certain information from him until he is ready. Its a big plot point in the Manhwa. It will be a long time before we get an answer to that question. 3) Igris: The reason Igris joined Jinwoo despite being stronger then him was because he was connived by Jinwoo words about serving the new king and not waiting in a empty throne room for the old king who will never return. 4) Hunter Kim was an A-Rank and if you remember when we are first introduced to him he has that Massive shield and Axe/Hammer, that got destroyed while he was fighting the Ice Elves. Now that he is Iron, his soul basically took the strongest version of himself and was then made into a shadow.

scott Carter

I have a question. Towards the end when they get back from that dungeon. Jinwoo is standing in front of the mirrow, he says "That's the tird time". Does anyont know what he was referring to?


He was referring to attempting 3 times to resurrect the ice elf. It failed all 3 allowed tries so he couldn't add him to his shadow army.


Oh Jinho and Jinwoo my precious idiots. Bless. 💗 Yeah, the elf definitely glitched. I'm guessing it will come up sooner or latter. Chris, I'm going to disagree about why Jinwoo couldn't aquire his shadow. I have to think it's an other reason than the elf being intelligent and sentient because Jinwoo had just killed and acquired Hunter Kim. Whom, while although he was doing a fabulous berserker impression, was a rational sentient. So the reason will probably come up again this season I imagine. S rank fight outside a red gate huh? Lame. Measure your pissing contest somewhere else edge lords. It did however remind everyone that S ranks get away with everything. The guy even said even though he didn't think Jinwoo killed his brother (jokes on him! 🤣) he just wanted an excuse to kill a human. If he isn't part of the system I suspect the system will be looking to dispose of him via a Jinwoo emergency quest. The guild master is an interesting guy so far. He obviously cares about his people, but looks to me he falls into the same pitfall everyone else does in this world. He doesn't give much thought or care for lower ranks, even the ones of his own guild. That poor scout is gonna have a heart attack trying to please him. I'm glad Jinwoo's sister's friend seems to be accepting of the easy jobs, atleast for now. She has evolving side character written all over her. Too bad her and Jinwoo are too dense to understand the connotations of the situation. 😅 Poor dumb babies. One is a high schooler that wouldn't speak up if she did understand because she has a crush. One is so oblivious he doesn't understand that a woman asking for his phone number wanted a date not to give him test results. The last one is too embarrassed to spit out what he actually meant instead of trying to be tactful. Babies! They're babies! Ahhh!!! 🤣🤣🤣 Lastly, completely agree with John. Jinwoo casually disappearing during his fight and the casually walking out of the gate: epic. Cold, absolutely cold, but absolutely epic. 😆 I can't believe I caught up to the series with you guys now! It's been so much fun! I can't wait till the next one! 🩷💛🩵

scott Carter

thanks. I wasn't sure. The last time he said that it was 3 time they tried to kill him.


I'm so glad you're caught up now! Ahhh it's been so much fun so far this season! I'm stoked to get the next ones done!! This show has such a wild style to it and the leveling up resonates. I feel like most of us are just trying to do our best to level up out here for one reason or the other. But heck yes, there is a lot of sparks that flew in this episode. Waiting to see what happens when they retest Jinwoo!

Deena Pet

Kinda late, but it doesn't refer to the attempts to ressurect the ice elf. Hunter Kim, renamed affectionately to Iron now, is the third instance Sung has killed a human being. First it was Hwang and his team, second the guy from the hunter's association and now the third was Kim.