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So, in case it wasn't obvious, there's been a bit of a delay with 4.6. Namely, I was working on other chapters, specifically 4.a, the first interlude for arc 4, and I made the decision to swap the order around almost last minute, so I had to scramble to finish 4.6 and didn't really make it.

I got close, after a fashion. I got 4.6 to a point where I felt I could have stopped. Then, I went to the Discord server and asked, "Well, do you want me to cut the planned 4.6 in half and publish the rest as 4.7 next week, or are you okay with a one or two day delay, if it means 4.6 in all its glory?" The response was "I'd rather wait a day and get the full chapter than get half and have to wait a week."

So, this. 4.6 will be up late Sunday or Monday and probably be somewhere around 7 or 8k words. To go along with it, you'll get a sidestory of Lisa's training with Taylor  that occurs in-between 4.2 and 4.3. "Almost Bad End: Bring Down the Thunder." 

Thank you for your understanding, everyone.


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