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January 2018:

-Collateral 4.a: Delusive Lacuna

-Collateral 4.b: [To Be Announced]

-Pendulum 0.3

-Sunder 5.1

-Sunder 5.2

February 2018

-Arc 5: Sunder

March 2018

-Arc 5: Sunder

-Arc 6: Tyranny 

Spring 2018

-Arc 6: Tyranny

-Pendulum 0.0

-Arc 7

-Pendulum 0.4



Well that's not ominous at all.


I honestly have no idea how long arc 5 and 6 are... Oh, do you mean the titles for 5 & 6? Yeah. The names might be subject to change, but I like how they are, now, and they're named that way for good reason.