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Some of you have probably noticed that things are a little...wonky with Patreon, right now. Not only on your end, but there's also some trouble on my side, too. All the pledges have apparently gone through (that usually go through), but some Patrons aren't being listed in my list of Patrons, some Patrons are being listed as "declined," even though their pledges for December did go through just fine, and the crazy guy who actually pledged $100/mo is not showing up in either my list or on my page, for some reason...

Anyway. This wonkiness might mean that some of you who are listed as "declined" don't get your rewards properly, particularly those $13+ guys and Chapters In Progress. If you're on that list and recently joined or rejoined, but haven't gotten the invites to 4.a through Pendulum 0.3, please, let me know, and I'll handle it. 

On a somewhat related topic, my editor's PC has been giving him some trouble, so while 4.a was finished on Saturday, he hasn't had the chance to go through it. That will, hopefully, be handled later today, and 4.a will be released tonight - my apologies for the delay. 4.b and Pendulum 0.3 are going to be worked on this week, then if all goes well, we'll be back on track by next weekend. 

Good grief, though. When it rains, it pours.



I think I need 4.b and Pendulum 0.3.


I will be honest I thought you had taken a break after the issues that popped up with SV and SB if you used SB. Last thing I received to comment on was An Alternate Essence: Of Blood and Sunlight. I didn't even realize that Pateron was having an issue....


No one had 4.b. Apparently, I forgot to actually send the invites to you guys, although I'd been sure I'd handled it...