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So, as I said in a comment a day or two ago, things took an unexpected turn, last week, so the chapters I wanted to have out for you guys on Saturday didn't come and weren't finished.

To reiterate what those things were, for those of you who haven't seen the comment in question: firstly, my sister is visiting from out of state for a week and a half. Secondly, the family get-together on Memorial Day took some time out of me, too. Thirdly, Dark Souls Remastered dropped and I spent way more time in there than I should have, because of all the things I inherited from Nasu, a love for Dark Souls just had to be among them.

Most importantly, however, my editor, who had been spotty and irregular for a while prior, contacted me to let me know that real life had kicked him  in the teeth and he'd be mostly out of contact and unavailable until everything was resolved and settled. I won't tell you what has had him so busy, because that's his business and it isn't my place to say, just trust me that it's a big enough deal that I can understand why he doesn't have the time to lend a hand, for the moment.

Why is that such a big deal? Because my editor is half the reason Essence is at the level of quality it's at, right now. I bounce ideas off of him regularly, and I ask him all the time to take a look at parts of chapters or plot points that I'm not as confident in as I'd like to be. His presence has been sorely missed, which stalled large swathes of the next couple of chapters.

At this point, however, there's nothing to it anymore but to get it done and hand it to him to check over when he has a spare moment. So, with that in mind, I went and did a lot of it last night.

As a result, Tyranny 6.1 is mostly finished and awaiting his look-see. 6.2 is about two-thirds finished and will have its CiP link provided later, when I'm not exhausted. The bonus interlude is going to take longer, it's only about a third of the way done.

If everything goes to plan and I manage to get ahold of him long enough to get them all done and checked out, then we're on schedule for a weekend release for all three. If not... I'll let you guys know by Sunday, at the latest.



6.2? I didn't get the link to that.


What about Emiya Shirou fanfics? Are you going to write Merlin mentoring Shirou as a fanfic?


It's a fun idea, but my next Nasu fic is probably going to be Recursive Wisdom. Shirou gets a kinda-sorta mentor, there, but it's a different kind of story from something totally Shirou-centric. Glorious Avalon shipping, either way, though. Always and forever.


Thank you, I have been craving for Shirou centered fanfics from you.