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If the Charge Up Front feature had been enabled (and existed, for that matter) when you pledged to my Patreon, would it have made any difference in your decision to pledge your support, or would you have pledged your support whether it was enabled or not?


Richard Paull

Honestly, it didn't even occur to me that I could cheat the system. The minmaxer in me feels cheated :p


Well, I'm only a dollar subscriber. It sort of boils down to if I see that you consistently update. Without the charge up front feature, it lets me opt out if I feel like at the end of that month there weren't really many updates. Although I haven't done this Patreon yet. Some of the other folks I've Patreon have gone silent in the past so I opt out before the month. Or another case would be that at the moment I'm only reading AEoSaS. If the entire month goes by and you make a new story or update a different fic I'm not reading then I may opt out. It would be unlikely for me to opt back in that case if you switch back since I'm not getting alerts from Patreon anymore that you started updating AEoSaS again as a theoretical situation. Although in your case I think you're fine. Just to see your early access work it's only $1 dollar and you have 3 years of history. It wouldn't bother me any if you switch now. It would take a few months of not updating AeoSaS for me to opt out at only $1 dollar a month.