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It's kinda been something that's been happening for the past few weeks or so, but it's now an official policy thing: Chapters-in-Progress ("CiP") links will now be made available in posts, tagged "Chapters-in-Progress," rather than made accessible via invites from Google Docs.

There are several reasons why this is happening like this. Before, it was a little neater and it felt more personal to send the invites out manually, but it quickly got to be a complicated mess trying to keep track of who should have access and who shouldn't when some changed or cancelled their pledges (for whatever reason; I'm not blaming anyone) and I had to either cross reference each individual email address with each Patron or just let it go. In the end, I usually decided the latter, since it was less confusing and less involved.

So, to keep it all fair, links to Chapters-in-Progress in Google Docs will be made available only in posts gated for $13+ Patrons, from now on. If you've been expecting invites and never got them, this is why.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.


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