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Was playing around with Artbreeder yesterday and decided to take a shot at making the twins.

Yukio winds up looking a little more Japanese than he was meant to, but I'm generally pretty satisfied with the results.




It does make me wonder: What was the evolutionary imperative that necessitated a narrowing of the eyes? Given we only see it in the asiatic region and nowhere else even along the equator.


There's no way to tell. It could just have been a benign mutation thousands of years ago that was aesthetically pleasing enough to propagate throughout the population. I don't think anyone has done any serious research to find out.


Fair enough, was just a random thought! Out of interest, will you be doing events in Hereafter? :D


I'd kind of like to, but I think it would bloat the story and pull away from the main narrative. This beast is already projected to reach somewhere around 1mil words, after all.


You could go with a spin-off series. hereafter - twisted tales. Set them during singularities but each one being a bit of a one-off. What with Taylor being queen of escalation. The Ishtar Cup would be hilarious but that'd have to come post-Babylonia. So far...that could be Nero Fest which would be all manner of funky for post-Septem, the Christmas event for Santa Saber...could definitely be amusing