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Normally, I like to give the editors more of a chance to rip into a chapter before it goes out, but this weekend stole too much of my time and energy, so this is already later than I would have liked it to be. As a result, it may be lacking a little bit of polish that it will probably get in the next few days.

In the meantime, everything important is already in the chapter, so enjoy.

Yes, by the way. I actually did look up where on the slopes of Mount Etna this lava tube could have feasibly been placed. No, I didn't really find a real one in my search, but I figured I could be forgiven for fudging this particular detail. It's not like I moved Etna off of Sicily or something. Or invented a major mountain wholesale.

I had a joke about lava being dumped on the team's heads, but it started venturing too far out of joke territory and into a legitimate concern, so I axed it. I think the replacement works just as well.

EDIT: Moving down.


Raphael Mort

Over/Under on Hepheastus being dormant inside Etna, and they just woke him up?


Virtually nil. Not only is the Age of Gods over and mystery rapidly fading all across the continent, but Hephaestus at this point would be a mere Divine Spirit. Finding his forge would be one thing. The guy himself? He's long gone. But Da Vinci has very good reason to be so surprised.


That’s a concerning end to the chapter … Hmmmm.

Marc Beans

I was under the impression he’d been a mere Divine Spirit going on 12,000 years now.


So it's supposed to be. How that jives with everything the Olympians did during PHH's Age of Gods, well...