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Once more, I know almost nothing about Latin.




Heh, I thought you were going to go with something Lovecraftian there, off the coast of Europe and a God. :D This does make me ponder though...Hephaestus was the Greek god whereas Vulcan was the Roman god...unless they are one entity under two different names? Of course, equal chance it isn't a God of the Forge and is an attempt to subvert our expectations. Then again, given who the final antagonist of Septem was, it could be one of the other Gods...*winks*

Raphael Mort

HAH "Virtually nil. Not only is the Age of Gods over and mystery rapidly fading all across the continent, but Hephaestus at this point would be a mere Divine Spirit. Finding his forge would be one thing. The guy himself? He's long gone. But Da Vinci has very good reason to be so surprised." You didn't say no, just virtually no. Which meant maybe kinda yes.