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This title gives away the game a bit here, but oh well.




Given the Roman focus upon a lot of their gods being linked to planets, Venus, Mars, Jupiter etc, can we expect some Sailor Moon references out of Rika? :D


Rika badgering Emiya for a sailor moon outfit when? :D And actually, it could just be in time. I doubt Rika or Ritsuka knows much about Roman god mythos and such, so if Taylor were to explain... :D

Raphael Mort

> Rika was just getting into the story of how Ritsuka had come home one day and begged her to help him practice kissing so he didn't look like an inexperienced idiot to his cool, new girlfriend I guess anime is anime even when filtered through Worm lol


Damn, hard to know if Ritsuka sprang forth from Oreimo or not...