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The name for this chapter came to me near the very end, and I thought it very fitting, considering the enemy this chapter is so hard to kill.

Geez, the final part of Septem is basically a boss rush, isn't it?

I really hit the swing of things right near the very end. I was actually going to keep going, but I accidentally put in a line that was really, really good to end on, and we were already at 6.3k words, so I relented and surrendered to the fact that there was going to be one extra chapter here instead of moving at quite the pace I wanted to. The perils of this sort of thing, I suppose.

EDIT: Moving it down.


Marc Beans

Caligula has got to be leaning on Imperial Privilege. Even for him it seems like he’s getting stronger, going from matching while being thrown around a bit by Aife to blitzing her, and his Luck is nowhere near good enough to pull that catch against Gae Bolg. Can’t think of any Skills off the top of my Head that boost Luck though…it is cool though, that Chaldea’s potential number advantage is offset by the fact that in many of the Singularities, their foes will be empowered from being summoned on their home turf.

Marc Beans

Do you think you could help me under stands JDF? Is Caligula truly that good to be throwing around the sister and equal of Scathach? I don’t want to devolve a good story into a power level debate, but it IS Aife.


No, he's not. Although he can use Imperial Privilege to "gain" fighting skills the same way Nero and Cleopatra does, Aife is still the superior martial artist, and if it was a competition of raw skill, she'd win every time. However, Caligula possesses the "cheat" skills that let him increase his strength and speed the longer the fight goes on, and even Aife can be caught by surprise if she underestimates exactly how much stronger and faster he gets. You'll notice, even still, that Aife isn't ever injured badly enough to put her out of the fight. She takes two bad hits, but the same rune that Scathach uses to heal her torn muscles and ligaments every time she uses Gae Bolg Alternative, Aife uses to patch up her own injuries from Caligula. Those "thirty seconds" she asks for are entirely unrelated to being injured, which will be made clearer at the beginning of chapter LXII.

Marc Beans

I appreciate you clearing that up. It would have been bugging me all week. Looking forward to the next one!

Marc Beans

On a side note I actually didn’t know Stheno was in the original canon Singularity until recently so I’ve gone this whole time thinking it was an addition by yourself.


The Gae Bolg Aife is using isn't an imposition of fate the way Cu's is. It's much more straightforward than that. Since it doesn't have the homing function or the curse of causal reversal, and it doesn't pin the target in place the way Gae Bolg Alternative does, just being fast enough to grab it out of the air can be enough to survive the attack. In hindsight, maybe I should have gone with one of the ideas I had, that after grabbing it, thorns would have sprouted from the shaft and speared his hand, but it bucked the flow of the fight a little more than I wanted it to.

Emmanuel Rivera

Absolutely loving the boss rush and the tension between Emiya and Aífe. Really super excited to see what's in store for the rest of the singularity


Truth be told, sorta was hoping for a Bruce Willis cameo with this title. >.>


How did I not get an email for this comment? Ugh. I'm glad. If my additions feel so seamlessly included that people aren't sure who was in the canon version and who is new, then my goal is accomplished.


Now THIS depiction of Caligula would make his plot-vital role in Olympus far more fitting... if only his gameplay came remotely close to reflecting the lore.