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This one gave me a little bit of trouble, because it's been 65 chapters since Olga was last in the story, so it took a little bit more to get back into her headspace. Note: this isn't the end of our poor Director's struggles, though. There's still more in store for her.

For now, though, we're going to let those sleeping dogs lie. It's a thread that will get picked back up, I can assure you of that.

The way this chapter ends lets me transition pretty smoothly into the next chapter, though. I have a couple of surprises in store for everyone, not only with the main story but with a certain sidestory that has languished since last year.

EDIT: Moving down.



Tsundere in the house, everyone avert your gaze!


It truly is good to have Olga back again. She's going to have a very interesting time of it though, adjusting to everything that has happened.


Thanks for the chapter, it’s great!! Happy Halloween!!