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I hemmed and hawed a little bit about a certain part near the end, but it made sense to me, considering the circumstances. It's not something that's going to be happening often or in the main story, but just for this one time, Taylor can be that much of a badass.

I was also a little uncertain about Serenity's lesson on what it means to become a vampire, but I hope it's compelling enough to understand her character a little better.


Pedro F

Hassan of the Hundred Faces is really interesting in this, due to how the weakening of servants takes effect. Since all servants are weakened and they couldn't bring outside ones, it means no AoE attacks or servants strong enough to one-shot him, which makes the number advantage much more deadly. However, each individual one is weaker than a trained and ready human.


Exactly. As the only one of the group at full strength, Serenity might be able to take down a large number of them. But the numbers will eventually win out. Even if she kills ten or twenty or even thirty before going down, she isn't so incredible that she won't get taken down. Quantity is a quality all its own.


This is an interesting interaction


Zergling Rush Meets Protoss Zealot.