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I really liked this chapter, in spite of how tough it is on our favorite director. It lets me show exactly how bad of a headspace she's in without making her look like a raving lunatic in front of the rest of the cast.

Also, check that surprise at the end. It was tempting to cut the chapter off a little earlier than that, but that last line at the very bottom? Too good. I just couldn't resist having the chapter end there.

And, of course, Taylor's stocked up on quite a bit of good karma, so on her first SQ summon, she gets the rainbow sparks. If only all FGO players could have that kind of luck, huh?

EDIT: Moving down.



As someone who intentionally whaled for her, I am so glad to see the best anti-berserker, anti-ruler tsundere :D What is intriguing is how Mash will deal with seeing her first victim rise from the dead.

Lloyd MacLea

Their shared dreams are going to get weird, that's for sure.

Pedro F

Oh wow, Jalter of all people. Wildly enough, after a while i could see Taylor getting along with her. Either that or treat her like one of the S9


I wonder what the...Jalter-nate ending was. :D

Lloyd MacLea

The twins are already curious at Taylor's insights into villainy, this is just going to pour fuel on the fire


If anything given Jalter's nature as a tsundere, I could see Rika having a lot of theoretical insight into Jalter whereas Taylor has more practical knowledge. Can totally see Rika writing a "Tsundere Manual"


Now the pertinent question is: does Jeanne Alter have the character development from 'further down THIS timestream', or is it the result of the canon F/GO timeline's self managing to establish herself as a valid What-If of Jeanne d'Arc, contrary to what Nasuverse lore has stated is NOT possible (i.e. the exception to said rule)?

Marc Beans

Does that mean no side-story adventure with Jeanne Alter?


The Counterfeit Heroic Spirits one? Maybe not. I *might* use it later as a sort of Interlude for her, similar to Aife's Resolution, if only so Jalter can get some resolution, too. That's not set in stone yet, though.