[Hereafter] Interlude CWK: As I Sailed (Patreon)
I really wanted to convey a sense of eeriness, so I had to find a font that would be available on SV and also give that unsettling feeling. Fittingly enough, I settled on "Spectral," which isn't perfect but does the job better than most of the other options. The other choice was Goudy, the font originally used in Moby Dick back during its original publishing run, but that wasn't sufficiently different from my preferred Garamond to really feel the way I wanted it to.
Anyway, yeah. This...is not going to be as well-received as the Brutus chapter was back in Septem. The Brutus chapter was lightning in a bottle, but the situation he was in was also dynamic enough that the tension oozed out of every part of it. Okeanos is too... Calm isn't the best word, but that's basically what it is. There aren't many ways to make two men plotting at sea feel high key.
I hope you guys enjoy it anyway.
EDIT: Moving down.