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Well, he wasn't gone all that long, was he?

EDIT: And things didn't quite go where I thought they would by the end of it, so a certain someone's return got pushed back. Renaming this thing now.




Seeing how ambiguous the title is I wanna place a bet that we will get Lancer Cu instead of Archer Emiya back.


Maybe we'll get Detroit Emiya, or Demiya? :D Oooh wait...Cu Alter!!! :D


Olga is so cute how she just orders Taylor to do something like a Tsundere and Taylor just smiles and says "Okay, director" and does the thing.


Slightly late, but a question. During Okeanos Emiya recognized Medea which is fine. But how the hell did Medea recognize Emiya?


Slightly late answer, Heroic Spirits do generally retain information on their summonings only as "records," but when an event during a deployment has an incredibly strong emotional impact, that can carry over. I like to think that Medea will always have memories about the men she honestly, truly fell in love with during her different summonings, which is why I have no doubt she must also have at least a very strong impression about Emiya and his role in killing her during UBW. How *much* she remembers and how clear it is, well, that's open to interpretation.


Perhaps the Holy Grail Ritual Tabula Rasa's them so they don't come in with outside knowledge, with Emiya the rogue agent insofar as he is a Counter Guardian as opposed to a traiditonal servant. Heh...Emiya is filed under for "That." As in, "That fucker shot a sword at me!"