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It's crazy that Amethyst was still underground while all of that happened.


It has been awhile but that diamond blast is what caused the gems on earth to become corrupted. The crystal gems and homeworld gems that weren’t shattered got corrupted in the blast. Rose could only save garnet and pearl unfortunately because that’s all who was really left over 2,000 gems most being crystal gems where shattered during the war


11:45 The reason why Fluorite speaks so slow is because she is a fusion of 6 gems, meaning 6 thoughts and opinions so they all need to cooperate and know what to say together. I agree it is a bit annoying at times but I like the detail of it because I think it'd be hard to be able to communicate with just a normal 2 gem fusion like Garnet, or Stevonie

Simon Bellamy

Charlotte amethyst and pearl took me out